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By Lala Duncan, a personal trainer at THe DOGPOUND
Photo credits Wilfred Gachau @wilfred.gachau
We all know that, when it comes to being healthy, fit, and strong, there is no better way to achieve this than to lift weights. Yet still, with all the science-backed information available to us today on the subject and why it is good for us, especially as we approach the age of forty, we are hesitant to do it despite knowing that it is necessary.
Before I go on repeating more boring information on why lifting weights is good for us, I want to stop and think about what the word LIFT actually means.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word (v) LIFT means: to raise to a higher position or level, to elevate.
When we elevate something, we raise it to a higher level; we LIFT it. Doesn’t this sound appealing? Now, why wouldn’t you want to allow yourself the opportunity to elevate the quality of your life through having a strong body and mindset?
Our physical strength is the most important thing in life. As we progress through time, physical strength has become less critical to our daily existence, but it’s no less critical to our daily lives. Our strength, more than any other thing in our possession, is what determines how long we live on this earth in our bodies and the quality in which we live it.
We do not have a choice! We possess potentially strong muscles and bones and are doing them a disservice by not paying more attention to them. If we ignore them, we are putting ourselves and our lives at risk by not allowing the opportunity to be able to live and operate at our utmost potential. The basis of our existence depends on our ability to provide them with the stimuli they need to stay in a condition that is necessary.
And what is that stimulus? You guessed it — strength Training.
What does strength training mean? Lifting heavy weights!

Why are people scared to lift weights? We’ve all heard that lifting weights can be bad for you: one might get hurt. Although possible, if done incorrectly, how badly will it hurt when you break a hip at 70 because the bones are frail and brittle. Our bones support our weight. Bone is living, stress-responsive tissue, just like muscle. It adapts to stress just like any other tissue and becomes more dense in response to heavier weight. This aspect of training is very important as we age and especially for us women whose bone density is a major factor for a long, healthy life.
As a trainer, I hear all types of fears from accomplished, educated women and men. But why? I’ll be the first to admit that lifting isn’t as exciting as spinning your heart out to loud EDM music. Lifting requires focus, the ability to be coachable, and, most importantly, patience. However, with an experienced, passionate, and skilled trainer, strength training should be the thing that elevates your life on a daily basis. After all, when we build strength, we build confidence, and we all know confidence is attractive.
We are the strongest creatures on the planet.
We build homes
We build communities
We build careers
We build families
Yet we are afraid to build our own bodies.
Let’s figure out how to change the dialogue, fix the misconceptions, and end the miseducation of what it means to be fit, healthy, and strong.
Elevate your life. Go out there and LIFT.
See More
Learning to Love your Body: 3 Simple Ways to Silence Your Inner Critic
Fighting Addiction With a Brazilian Life Lift