Artists Speak About Inseperable: The Soundwall Experience

by | Aug 12, 2014 | Culture, Entertainment, Events | 0 comments


Cloud Storage by Justin Jay

New York, the city that never sleeps, is full of vibrant people, ideas, and events. Some of these particulars, however, stand out more than others. Tonight, artists Mia Berg, Bradley Theodore, and Matt Jones will speak about their creative visions for the new summer group exhibition–an event not to be missed. The exhibition, titled Inseparable: The Soundwall Experience, opened on July 16th, a result of the collaboration between Gallery 151, and Wallplay. Tonight’s attendees will head to Gallery 151, (132 West 18th Street) at 6:30 pm to listen to the artists discuss their inspiration, as well as enjoy a live DJ and complimentary drinks. Guests will also be able to explore the gallery and view the artwork, which features pieces by Ricky Aiello Jr, Joseph Arthur and Spencer Tunick, Mia Berg, Jordan Doner, Walker Fee, Fab 5 Freddy, Elliot Goldstein, Justin Jay, Matt Jones, Derek Reist, Carrie Mae Rose, Allan Tannenbaum (courtesy of Rock Paper Photo), Bradley Theodore, and Jay West. Don’t miss out on this fun, interesting, and truly ‘New York-esque’ experience.

What: Inseparable: The Soundwall Experience

When: Artists Talk: August 12th, 6:30pm-9pm. Exhibition open until September 1st.

Where: Gallery 151. 132 West 18th Street.

-Angelica Gianni 


Heavenly Father by Bradley Theodore


Andy Warhol Debbie Harry Amiga by Allan Tannenbaum


Chill as the Dawn Breaks by Mia Berg


Bergen Street by Elliot Goldstein


Lifestyle Study by Jordan Doner

Downtown Magazine