Jake Resnicow: The King of Pride

by | Jun 27, 2017 | Culture

Jake Resnicow has managed once again to deliver three full days of spectacular pride celebration, which is why he has such a bevy of loyal followers whom they all consider to be their deity of nightlife.

The festivities began on Friday at Matinée Main Event with DJ Paulo & Nacho Chapado.

Saturday’s M.E.A.T. party at King kicked off with DJ Aron.

Finally, Sunday’s closing ceremonies took place at the extravagant Luvboat Pride 2017 Yacht Cruise with DJ Dan Slater and featured legendary diva Beth Sacks. The guests danced for hours to the pulsating beats and Beth Sacks performance. The evening ended with the majestic fireworks above the superb massive yacht on the Hudson.


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Photography by Matinée USA

Downtown Magazine