Bookish Buys for the Holidays

by | Dec 18, 2015 | Book Club, Culture

Got a bookworm for a best friend? Want to curl up with a new literary companion for the chilly months ahead? We have a list of books that satisfy a variety of tastes from fantastical to fashionable.


NYET505-109_2015_125251_hd-674x1024My Journey Donna Karan

In this memoir, renowned designer Donna Karan recalls her childhood, her many years in the fashion industry and being a wife/ mother. She also shares her future aspirations for spiritual peace.


51flSLtcG7L._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_Food52 Genius Recipes: 100 Recipes That Will Change the Way You Cook

Foodie conglomerate Food52 has complied a group of “genius” recipes, whether they expertly employ a certain ingredient or showcase a great cooking technique.



Grace: Thirty Years of Fashion at Vogue

Through stunning fashion photographs and anecdotes, Grace Coddington reminisces on thirty years at Vogue, spanning from her time at Vogue UK to American Vogue.


22557272The Girl on the Train

A suspenseful physiological thriller by Paula Hawkins, perfect for pouring over during winter travels.


51T+op2jisL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_Models of Influence: 50 Women Who Reset the Course of Fashion

Released this year, fashion photography authority Nigel Barker showcases fifty models that have made an incredible impact on the fashion industry since 1940


imgresBig Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

Eat, Pray, Love author Elizabeth Gilbert offers a refreshing and positive meditation on creativity and how everyone who feels inclined to do so should answer their creative calling.

-by Johanna Silver

Downtown Magazine