Spring Has Sprung: How to Recharge and Renew

by | Apr 29, 2015 | Health & Fitness

It’s springtime in New York; the flowers are beginning to bloom, crisp, fresh scents are in the air and the long, warm days make everyone want to spend as much time as they can outside. After the long winter, New Yorkers are excited to enjoy the outdoors with friends and take advantage of the beauty that the city offers when it is not shrouded in cold and wind. The concept of spring brings to mind the ideas of rebirth and renewal. Along with the typical spring-cleaning, there are a lot of other ways to cleanse your lifestyle so that you can feel renewed. Cleansing can include anything from clearing out your closet to taking a de-stressing vacation to setting new goals for yourself to complete throughout the year.

Another way to cleanse your lifestyle and well being is through a juice cleanse. A rapidly growing trend, juice cleanses are a great way to detoxify the organs and intestines. One of my favorite juice companies that delivers right to your door is called Juice from the Raw . I did their “Whenever Cleanse” and really loved it. After drinking the juice for 3 days, my mind felt so clear and focused, I felt lighter and free of those wintertime blues we sometimes get in between seasons. The “Whatever Cleanse” is a healthy balance of green and fruit juices that help any juicing beginner ease into cleansing. Juice in the Raw is a local company in NYC but they ship anywhere in the United States.

There are many ways to de-clutter the mind during the spring as well. I’ve mentioned in previous articles about starting a daily practice of meditation, or a daily practice of tai chi or yoga. All of these habits will help get you in clearing your body, mind and soul.

Setting intensions for the spring is another way to get a sense of renewal and purpose for the rest of the year. Maybe your intention is to become a volunteer with your local boys or girls club or the local organization that helps people learn how to read. Maybe you decide to meet up with friends once a week and go for a little run around Central Park and then spend some time cleaning up trash after you’ve gotten your workout in. There are tons of organizations that need your help. Spend some time sitting down and writing out your goals. This will help get you into wanting to do new things.

Find something fun to do! Something you’ve never done before and always wanted to. Maybe find a new class to take, jumping on a trampoline or going to a park or a play. Maybe you’ve always wanted to take a ballet class or learn how to play the ukulele? Just go for it and take a dance or acting class but are just too afraid to take that initial step through the front door. Dance like there is know body watching in your living room or in the park. Stop worrying so much and just play. Cleanse the mind, the body, the soul and set new intentions. This is what I have to do in order to keep myself on track and keep myself continuing to “live in Grace”.

-by Michelle Gierst



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