Léman Manhattan Welcomes Newbery Award-Winning Author Jack Gantos

by | Apr 22, 2014 | Coming Up, Downtown Living, Events, Family | 0 comments


Jack Gantos, in a conversation with Head of School Drew Alexander, will reveal his own journey towards becoming recognized as the top American author of children and adolescent literature in 2012. In addition to learning more about his fascinating personal voyage, Jack will also discuss the importance of promoting literacy from the very early ages and throughout life. How can a home/school partnership provide the BEST literacy programming for Léman Manhattan’s students? And what does that look like?

At the end of the conversation, Jack will be available to answer questions from parents, students and community members. If you would like to learn more about Jack, his autobiography, A Hole in My Life is an excellent start. His Newbery Award-winning novel, Deadend in Norvelt will also keep you enthralled and laughing nonstop.

April 24th. 5:45pm. 41 Broad Street. 6th Floor.

Downtown Magazine