Amra and Elma Talk NYE and Their Plans for 2016

by | Dec 26, 2015 | Culture, Fashion | 0 comments

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Photo Courtesy of Amra and Elma

It is time to start focusing on the new year! On New Years Eve, we have the chance to reflect on our entire year, plan for our upcoming year and celebrate ecstatically in the interim. Stylish duo, Amra and Elma Beganovich share how they plan to celebrate NYE, as well suggest resolutions for those who want to spice up their aesthetic in 2016!

How do you plan to celebrate on New Year’s Eve?

Amra: I have not decided yet but it will either be a celebration with close friends in an Upper East Side restaurant featuring a cabaret performance, or I will have a quiet evening with the family in the Hamptons. Both choices are equally compelling at the moment; I love to dress-up for the New Year’s and enjoy an evening with my close friends, but I also love a quiet moments spent with the family just talking and laughing.

What are some fashion and beauty tips one can use for a New Year’s party?

A: New Year’s Eve is a great opportunity to wear something fun and festive. One tip would be to opt for sparkly dresses; I love the ones by New Friends Colony as they have some of the most beautiful beading and intricate details. I also love to use sparkly eye shadows and false lashes with a nude lip. New Year’s Eve is one time in a year I like to add false lashes and make the whole look almost feel “costume-y.” My New Year’s resolution is to always to be more daring, and so perhaps this is one way I get to fulfill my goals. Another tip is to wear strappy black sandals or a pointy black pump; they both visually elongate your legs and keep the focus on your sparkly dress.

What are fashion/ beauty-related New Year’s resolutions that people could keep in mind?

1. Try something new: if you never wore red lipstick or a purple shadow, this is the time to do so. The easiest way to get it right is to visit a makeup counter and schedule an appointment where a professional will help pick out the best color for your face.

2. Improve or maintain what you’ve got: I have been forcing myself to exercise in the morning by attending a barre, boot camp, EVF, or another class. I am not a morning person and I struggle to get out of bed, but I found that I feel amazing afterwards. More so, my body has tremendously improved and so has my mood.

3. Don’t forget some soul food: we often get so busy, that we forget to maintain an internal balance. One of my New Year’s resolutions includes continuing to volunteer with the Rescue Dogs Rock NYC, a dog rescue program, as well as adding another volunteering activity. I also plan on attending yoga and meditation classes at least twice a week.

Check out more from Amra and Elma on their websiteInstagram, twitter and facebook.

Downtown Magazine