Fueling Desire For Valentine’s Day

by | Feb 13, 2014 | Health & Fitness | 0 comments


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Happy Valentine’s Day! Anyone, male or female, can  benefit from the array of sex boosters available on the market today. Many factors may affect our sexual desires, such as stress from work , long days, pollution, low self-esteem and a wide array of psychological and physical distractions.

All of these exhaust our bodies and minds which can leading to lowered sexual desire or self-confidence. You can turn turn to pharmaceutical drugs for help, but they often come with side-effects.

Here are five of the most popular and effective traditional natural herbs that have been used for years to enhance both libido and muscle mass in men.

Here, the nutrition and health experts Jin Long Zhen and Tanima Sen from the Kirk Fitness team offer some healthy suggestions about how to keep the fires burning this Valentine’s Day.

Kirk Myers, Health and Fitness Editor, DOWNTOWN Magazine NYC

Tribulus Terestris

Probably the best-known testosterone herb on the market. It became popular when Bulgarian athletes started winning gold medals in Olympic weight lifting competitions during the 1970s.  This is a natural herb that can be found throughout Asia, Africa, Europe and Australia. Tribulus has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine and India’s Ayurveda medicine to boost stamina, strength and libido.  Tribulus teretris will increase free testosterone level in blood, increasing muscle strength, increasing muscle mass and shorter recovery time.
Suggested Dosage: 300-600mg per day

Eurycoma longifolia (Longjack)
Eurycoma longifolia is also known as Tongkat ali, and is a traditional herb from Indonesia and Malayasia. It is another well-known traditional flower plant that boosts libido in men by inhibiting hormones that decreases sexual desire.
Suggest Dosage: 200-600mg per day

Epimedium (Horny Goat Weed)
The name says it all. A native plant to China and the Mediterranean region, the Chinese discovered it by noticing increase of sexual activity in their goats after it consumed this plant. Later, the plant was  cultivated and  used as an aphrodisiac. It can be found in many forms, pill, powder, liquid and even daily tea. Horny goat weed contains an ingredient called icariin, which increases blood flow, making it a natural Viagra.
Recommended Dosage: 6 grams-15 grams per day

Ladies might have heard of this herb, as it is recommended in the WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) program for pregnant or newly mothers to promote lactation. But don’t be fooled, just because women use it to promote lactation, it has also been shown to boost testosterone levels in men. Fenugreek was found in Eastern Europe to Middle East Asia, and in these countries, fenugreek was also used in cooking like any other vegetables and now it is cultivated worldwide.
Recommended Dosage: 500-2000 mg per day


For Women:
Men aren’t the only ones with sex drive boosters in the market. There are several helpers in the market for women too. For women, sex drive is highly influenced by health and and their psychological feelings about a relationship. Before looking for a quick fix, it is important to pinpoint exactly why there is a lack of sexual desire, but if help really is needed, there are many sources. Some come in the form of nutritional supplements like Lioness, Xzite, and Rekindle. These nutritional supplements claim to enhance women’s libidos.


Two highly tested dietary supplements are ArginMax and Zestra. Each have substantial support from users who say that it actually does work in increasing sex drive in women.


When it comes to vitamins, there are several which boost sexual desire, including Vitamin E, C, D, B6, B2 and B3. Vitamin B6 actually lessens the influence of the hormones that cause fluctuations from menopause, like estrogen and progesterone.

Another option is to increase sexual desire through nutrition. Among foods that boost the libido, there is celery, pumpkin seeds, sauerkraut, banana, almonds, avocado, chilies and basil.

Maca root, the root of a Peruvian potato, been used for hundreds of years in Peru as a natural aphrodisiac. It was first introduced as a male sexual enhancing supplement because maca root extract helps increases blood circulation to the lower extremities including the male’s genitals.  But it was also introduced to women because maca root also promotes blood flow to clitoris, which increases sexual sensation.

DOWNTOWN’S Health and Fitness Editor Kirk Myers, struggled with childhood obesity and hit bottom when he ballooned to 300 pounds and suffered congestive heart failure when he was still a college student of 21. Through hard work, diet and determination, Myers dropped 125 pounds and has become one of most sought-after trainers of celebrities, athletes and other Downtowners at the Gotham Gym NYC. His libido has never been questioned…until he asked us to give him all these products to “test.”

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