Top 3 Alternative Cardio Workouts In NYC

by | Oct 20, 2014 | Exercise, Health & Fitness | 0 comments


Photo: Courtesy of Asphalt Green

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that indoor cycling and running are the two cardio workouts that get the most attention in this city? The good news is that there are many more options in the vast New York City fitness scene that are hidden right beneath the surface, you just have to know where to look!

I’ve put together a list of alternative workouts that will get your heart pumping and challenge your muscles in a way that differs from a traditional workout class.

When it comes to staying consistent with exercise over the long haul, it’s important to seek out fun activities that keep you engaged and they don’t necessarily have to take place inside the confined walls of a gym!


Indoor rowing classes are one of the newest fitness trends to hit NYC. Typically 50 minutes long, the classes are a total body workout that combine strength and cardiovascular training all in one! Check out City Row in Union Square, $32 per class.

Inline & Roller Skating

I don’t care if this is a 90’s trend because it’s making a come back! And it should be, since skating can burn up to 800 calories an hour! NYC lost its last indoor skating rink when the infamous Roxy closed it’s doors in 2007. But you can now get your fix and jam to top 40 hits just across the East River in Brooklyn Bridge Park’s brand new indoor/outdoor skating rink for three dollars on weekdays and eight dollars on weekends.

If you are looking for a group to roll with, Wednesday Night Skate meets in Union Square at 7:45 each Wednesday from April to the end of October. They travel around for about 2 hours taking a different route each week! While you will get a serious sweat on, they are extremely social as well and celebrate the workout at a nearby bar after each skate (we are interested!)


It’s time to get wet at Asphalt Green’s brand new fitness Mecca in Battery Park City. Here you can sweat without realizing it at their “Aqua Boot Camp” or “Hydro Fit” classes that are held 4 days a week. Become a member or drop in for a class for $35.

-Dr. Laura Miranda* 

*Dr. Laura Miranda, DPT, MSPT, CSCS is DOWNTOWN Magazine’s Fitness Editorial Director, a Doctor of Physical Therapy and certified fitness expert.  She is the founder of which runs Strong-Healthy-Woman fitness boot camps and elite private training for busy women in NYC.  Follow her at @LauraMirandaFIT on Instagram and Twitter!


Photo: Courtesy of City Row

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