The Basics Of An Anti-Aging Skincare Regimen

by | Sep 1, 2015 | Beauty

Photo: Courtesy of

Photo: Courtesy of

The quest to begin an anti-aging regimen kickstarts at the age of 20 and never truly ends, because, the earlier we begin, the sooner we can prevent wrinkles from taking up residency on our skin. While some wrinkle formation inevitably occur from smiling; laugh lines that contour our lips, and crows feet that nestle into the outer corners of our eyes; there are external factors that can contribute to premature wrinkles. Cultivating a beauty routine against aging is transcendent of merely using  anti-wrinkle moisturizers; it’s acknowledging that everything you put to your skin can add another year onto your face – if you’re not careful.

1. Don’t use cotton or polyester pillows cases: switch to silk, stat. Silk pillow cases won’t leave those ‘I over slept and just got ready in 5 minutes’ imprints on your face. Years add up, and if you’re a devout free-fall sleeper, the fine lines will accumulate, gradually. Also, cotton sheets are more susceptible to absorb your night cream, defeating the purpose of letting it gradually penetrate your skin over night.

2. How are you drying your face after a cleanse? If you grab a towel and pull it along your skin for a quick dry– the tugs on your face will contribute to skin sagging. Instead, always pat your face dry to decrease the likelihood of wrinkles cheeks.

3. When applying your preferred moisturizer, don’t apply it downward. Begin by dabbing the product along the sides of your nose, and stroke the product sideways by ending at your ear. Yes, the motions will tug your skin, but as you do so, you’re lifting rather than dragging it down.

4. Check your makeup brushes. Some may be expensive, but for good reasoning. The bristles on cheap brushes lack synthetic fibers, and as you blend as at the crease, you’re allowing premature sagging to inhabit your eyelids. The harshness can irritate the lids and cause long term damage.

No worries if you’ve been using bad brushes- just get a new set and begin using a retinol eye cream to firm the lids.

5. The worst thing you could ever do: Sleep with makeup on. Yea, it’s been a long day, and sure, you’re running on empty. But find a shred of strength to remove your cosmetics. Makeup seeps into your pores, and the pollutants you encounter everyday will break down collagen. Add an entire night of sleep and you’re asking for wrinkles. (Also, sleeping in mascara will make your lashes brittle and weak.)

Of course, a few tugs of a towel, or the use of a cotton pillow case sporadically, won’t causes imminent wrinkles. Routinization and a reckless disregard for your skin will set add years of deep-set wrinkles earlier than preferred. Take heed to the tips above, start anti-aging skincare early, and you’ll be the embodiment of ‘aging gracefully’.


By: Yasmine Rimawi

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