NYFW Workout for a Runway Body

by | Sep 8, 2014 | Exercise, Health & Fitness | 0 comments

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Dr. Laura Miranda in action. 

Fashion Week in New York City signifies the unofficial end to summer, the ushering in of the newest fashion trends and not to mention the addition of hundreds of statuesque models scampering around the city.

If you are in a pinch for time between juggling your job duties with seeing the shows and attending all of the fabulous after-parties, you might be tempted to skip your daily workout routine.

Instead of getting off track with your goals, try this quick NYFW inspired workout for a runway body that requires no equipment and just 20 minutes of your time! (Please wear sneakers, no stilettos!)

Poise and Posture Planks

The same muscles that help support your body in a plank will also help you stand tall and proud in a crowd. With abs tight in a plank position, place hands directly under shoulders and balance on toes with knees straight. Maintain your body in a straight line from your feet to your neck.  Hold for 1 minute.

The Paparazzi Shuffle

This move comes in handy when dodging the flashbulbs of the paparazzi, but also doubles as a lower body and cardiovascular blast! While maintaining a low squat position, shuffle quickly to the side about 6 steps, pause, and then shuffle back. Perform for 1 minute.

Booty-Ful Squats

Models have taught us how to make an entrance. Now you can be known for making an exit too! Standing about 1 foot in front of a chair, drive your butt back and lower yourself down into a squat position. With abs tight, pause 2 seconds and hover just above the chair. Squeeze your glutes and return back up to the standing position. Perform for 1 minute.

The Runway Walk/Sprint

Sprinting, even if for a short distance, is one of the most effective cardiovascular exercises you can do to blast away mega amounts of calories! Sprint 20 seconds, walk (or strut) for 10 seconds. Repeat this sequence for 1 minute.

TRAINER TIP: Do each exercise on the list for the prescribed amount of time. Always take breaks as necessary to maintain good form. Complete the list 3 -4 times with a short rest after completing each round.  Always warm up before exercise and cool down and stretch after you are done. And, don’t forget to have fun!

-Dr. Laura Miranda*

*Dr. Laura Miranda, DPT, MSPT, CSCS is DOWNTOWN Magazine’s Fitness Editorial Director and founder of StrongHealthyWoman.com. She runs Strong-Healthy-Woman fitness boot camp and elite private personal training for busy women in NYC.  Follow her at @LauraMirandaFIT on Instagram and Twitter!

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