Hotelied Finds Travelers A Perfect Match

by | Jul 30, 2014 | Events, Travel | 0 comments


We’ve already reached the midpoint of summer, and there are still so many adventures to be had! But the sun hasn’t set on summer just yet–take advantage of the warm weather with a great new website that connects you to 5-star hotels based on your travel profile. Hotelied is the latest luxury hotel booking site offering preferential and unpublished rates of hotels worldwide. Recently, the site has broadened its horizons, opening hotels in areas like New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago, Rio de Janeiro, among others. Hotelied is dedicated to providing the finest services to customers all over the world.

On Tuesday, July 22, Hotelied hosted an event at The Crosby Street hotel, in SoHo. Upon entering, we were offered drink selections and an array of hors d’oeuvres. We loved the People’s Pops stand, an all natural shaved ice company featuring exotic flavors like plum and rhubarb. We also had the opportunity to chat with Hotelied’s founders, Zeev and Nick, who wowed us with a demonstration of Hotelied’s services.

Zeev and Nick describe their website as a matchmaking network, due to its focus on connecting travelers with their dream hotels. Members of the website are asked to fill out a profile which is used to provide them with discounted rates at hotels designed for them based on their likeness.  With the motto, “it pays to be you,” the website rewards travelers for doing what they do best: being themselves.

 -Mariann Guadagnino & Irene Bogdan








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