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Brookfield Place
On Tuesday, Apr. 18 from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM, the Institute of Culinary Education will host the 10th Annual STREET EATS event at Brookfield Place to benefit nonprofit STREETS.
Part hospitality school and part restaurant café in historic Hoi An, Vietnam, STREETS provides local, disadvantaged youth with an 18-month training program designed to give them the tools and skills to achieve financial independence.
To raise money for the organization, a lineup of some of the best chefs in New York City will cook up their own unique interpretations of “street” food, complemented by wine and cocktails.
Those chefs include Alexander Burger of Bar Boulud, Daniel Holzman of The Meatball Shop, Ken Oringer and Jamie Bissonnette of Toro, and Ben Daitz of Num Pang, to name just a few.
“We are so excited to be sharing this momentous occasion with the New York culinary community, to whom we owe so much gratitude for their support over the years,” said Neal Bermas, founder of STREETS International.
ICE president Rick Smilow says that he and his colleagues look forward to the event each year because there are always so many new and innovative dishes to try, and people literally eat it up.
“The organization in Vietnam is so innovative and we are so happy online pharmacy that we’re able to support the culinary education and lifelong careers of young adults who otherwise would have very limited opportunities.”
The students that find their way into the program come from abhorrent living conditions, and in some cases, are even rescued from servitude or worse.
STREETS has also just opened a program in Ho Chi Mihn City, its first expansion beyond the original Hoi An school.