Try Bio-K+’s Gluten-Free, Liquid Probiotic Formulas

by | Jul 17, 2015 | Health & Fitness


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Bio-K+ are gluten-free probiotics with a delivery method and formula unlike most. Along with being the only probiotic on the market with a combination of L. casei LBC80R, L. acidophilus CL1285 and L. rhamnosus CLR2 (i.e., live bacteria), they are one of few created with a liquid consistency.

Bio-K+ are made with fermented dairy, or two dairy-free alternates—fermented soy and fermented brown rice. There are four flavors—original, blueberry, strawberry and mango.

Blueberry Bio-K+ contains fermented rice, and the blueberry flavoring is noticeable. It has a tangy aftertaste that isn’t overly pungent, and a creamy consistency that is similar that of a liquid yogurt. Sour-food advocates should go with this flavor.

Strawberry Bio-K+ formula is made with fermented dairy and also has a velvety, smooth consistency. The strawberry flavoring is less prominent than the blueberry product, but you will still pick up on a hint of it. Picky eaters and children should go with this flavor—as it is very similar to that of a milky, strawberry smoothie.

Even though Bio-K+ products are palatable—don’t forget about their wholesome ingredients and health benefits. Bio-K+ probiotics are all artificial flavor-free, and contain 50 billion active bacteria per bottle. Their products will strengthen your immune system, and are proven to relieve gastro pain, while healing stomach damage brought on by poor diet, antibiotic use and other medical problems.

To learn more about Bio-K+’s unique formula and products, visit their website.

-by Katie Garry 

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