Skin Beautification With Oatmeal

by | Apr 17, 2015 | Beauty

Photo: Courtesy of

Photo: Courtesy of

Oatmeal is a superfood for all purposes, packed with natural carbohydrates that leave you feeling full, making for an ideal breakfast. However, little are people aware that oatmeal is just as beneficial on the exterior as it is for the interior. When you stop consuming it and start using it for bodily purposes, the results on your skin are incredible.

Dry Skin: Oatmeal as a beauty tool works wonders because first and foremost, its natural. Remedying dry skin, the polysaccharides, which are complex sugars, in oatmeal work to penetrate your skin and leave a gelatin like film so you can mask the unsightly cracks.

Acne: In addition to dry skin, oatmeal combats acne because it absorbs the natural oils on your face. Oil is infamous for clogging your pores- acne attack! Just mix the appropriate amount with some warm water to create a pasty like consistency, then apply on your skin once a week, so you never have an excess of oil buildup.

Exfoliating: Much like the acne remedy, oatmeal’s grainy texture works as a subtle exfoliator on dead skin. Because oatmeal is natural, you don’t have to worry any possible bad reactions or inflammation from harsh exfoliants. In turn, makeup application instantly looks cake free because you’re starting with a fresh faced base.

Itchiness: Oatmeal provides instant relief for itchy skin whether it be from a bug bite, irritated skin, or even the chicken pox. Many products on the market contain oatmeal as ingredients for soothing itchy skin, so oatmeal alone is guaranteed to help in the most natural sense possible. A study by “Journal of Drugs in Dermatology,” found avenanthramides in oatmeal, ultimately reducing inflammation. Plus side, you can use it over and over again because there are no chemicals in oatmeal, so the more, the better. Also, for you dog enthusiasts out there, oatmeal bathes at a lukewarm temperature can also be used for your pups itches as well!

One brand of oatmeal in particular with the Downtown seal of approval, is Flahavan’s Irish Steel Cut Oatmeal. They’ve been milling oats for two centuries now, and have perfected the craft of flaking oatmeal, which helps it cook instantaneously. Their website houses a ton of recipes for oatmeal, so even if you don’t your skin may need the heeling, you stomach can use the fueling.

While oatmeal might be  delicious post-run snack, explore all the other external opportunities oatmeal has to offer. Regarded as a skin staple, discover skin beautification with oatmeal by helping your skin revive itself the most natural way possible.

-By Yasmine Rimawi





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