Fandango Family Room

by | Nov 24, 2014 | Downtown Living, Family | 0 comments

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As the parent of two toddlers, I have become a “movie mom.” I find myself up-to-date on kid-friendly movie releases and I’m pretty sure I’m as excited as my kids are to see a new movie. The experience of watching a movie unfold, through the eyes of a four and six year old is pretty hard to beat. They are still at an age where they believe animals can talk, as seen in “Madagascar” and kids can be spies, as in “Spy Kids.” So, when I was asked to partner with Fandango and help get the word out about their new parent resource, “the Family Room,” I was thrilled.

The Family Room essentially allows a parent to visit their website, plug in their kids ages and determine which movies are a good fit, based on content and subject matter. Parents are able to discover family-friendly content and movie news and find advice and reviews from trusted sources. It’s a great tool for parents. 

Both of my kids have seen Madagascar (at least 100 times) and really connected to the movie because they visit the Central Park Zoo on a very regular basis. Their love for penguins is directly tied to their love of the movie. We recently discovered that a new “The Penguins of Madagascar” movie is coming out for the upcoming holiday season on November 26th. Needless to say, I logged onto my iPad and showed the kids the trailer on the Family Room tab on the Fandango website. And, then had to explain that November 26th was still a couple of weeks away. That didn’t go over very well. So, I found some digital printables online and promptly launched a coloring session with my two artists-in-training and they had a blast. Download the image here and do some coloring with your kids!

Fandango Synopsis: The penguins from Madagascar get their own film in this DreamWorks Animation production. When a villainous octopus named Dave (voice of John Malkovich) hatches a plan to eliminate the penguins, Skipper (voice of Tom McGrath), Kowalski (voice of Chris Miller), Rico (John DiMaggio) and Private (Christopher Knights) must team with a clandestine animal organization known as North Wind to thwart the diabolical plan.

To pre-purchase tickets and to receive a free download of Dreamworks Holiday Classics, from Fandango, please visit Fandango’s website

-Denise Courter, DOWNTOWN Magazine’s Lifestyle and Family Editor and Founder of FiDi Families*

*This article was originally written for Denise’s website FiDi Families which you can check out here!

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