Caring for Elderly Parents? 10 Tips to Keep Them Active & Healthy

by | Jun 16, 2020 | Family, Lifestyle


Are you taking care of your aging parents? With various health concerns that come with old age, your parents might feel unable to continue their usual lifestyle. That combined with the loss of a partner, retirement, and shrinking social circle can make them susceptible to loneliness. 


Now more than ever, they need your care and support to lead a healthy life and rediscover happiness. In this post, we’re sharing ways to keep your elderly family members physically and mentally active. 



  • Host Family Dinners


With kids off to college or starting their own families, elders can often feel socially isolated. Make it a point to regularly host family dinners and gatherings to make them feel loved and appreciated. Even something as simple as taking your elderly parent out for a coffee can make their day.

  • Go on Walks Together


Because of mobility issues, your parents might not be willing to participate in physical activities. But any form of exercise is necessary to stay healthy. You can invite them to take a walk with you. The social aspect of taking a walk with your loved one will encourage them to make an effort. And who doesn’t enjoy a good conversation?



  • Find the Right Caregiver


Your aging family members don’t need a personal trainer who will motivate them to stay physically active. Instead, it would be much better to find a caregiver of your parent’s choice. They’re more likely to listen to a friend or relative they have a bond with. And with the help of FreedomCare, they can hire any friend or relative as their caregiver. 



  • Keep Them Occupied At Home


Familiarize your parents with music and video streaming services. Also, help them rediscover their old hobbies and interests. Get them books, puzzles, art supplies, craft supplies, and so on to keep them occupied at home. Doing such activities will make time pass faster.



  • Sign Them Up at Local Senior Center


Nursing homes offer a community for senior citizens. However, if you’re taking care of your loved ones at home, you should look for senior centers in your area. Senior centers are a great place for your parents to connect with other senior citizens. They conduct health and fitness programs, education programs, interactive games, and more to help seniors stay healthy and independent.



  • Use Technology


Whether you have a demanding job or you stay in a different city, it may not be possible for you to visit your elderly loved ones often. But thanks to technology, you can still keep them company. Teach your parents how to message and video call. Introducing them to social media is another great idea.



  • Introduce Them to New People


Companionship is something people appreciate more as they grow older. While regular visits are helpful, you should also encourage your elderly parents to make new friends. Also, ask their neighbors to check in once in a while to ensure everything is fine.



  • Encourage Them to Exercise


Fitness classes specifically designed for seniors are effective in keeping them healthy and fit. Make sure the fitness program is not too strenuous and safe for your aging family members.



  • Make Surroundings Comfortable


With progressing medical conditions, it might be difficult for your parents to participate in activities. Take them for regular doctor’s appointments to make them as comfortable as possible.



  • Get Them to Volunteer


For some people, their career is everything. But after decades of hard work comes retirement, which can feel like a loss of life’s purpose. If their health allows, you can assist them in finding some volunteer work or even a part-time job.


Final Words

At first, finding the right activities and communities can be challenging. But with thorough research and genuine efforts, you can find things that will keep your elderly loved ones engaged and healthy.

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