Skin Saving Tips from Haven Spa

by | Feb 11, 2016 | Health & Fitness



Photo: Courtesy of

If this winter’s erratic temperature changes are leaving your skin dry and damaged, advice from an experienced esthetician could be the answer to getting it back on track. Haven Spa’s esthetician Stalina Glot knows firsthand what the repercussions of poor skincare can lead to. That is why she is devoted to providing her clients with advice and care that will truly improve their skin. While a trip to Haven Spa could be just what your skin needs to survive the season, Glot also has lifestyle advice that urbanites can take in order to achieve healthy clear skin long term.

How did you start out in your field and what inspired you to pursue your career? ​

When I was 18 I got a facial out of curiosity. My face was always clear but after that facial I broke out, specifically on my chin, which lasted a few months. Then I went to a different person (who in the future became my teacher.) I asked her why I had that condition. She asked me if i had ever had it before and when I said no, she said that most likely the person who was trying to get rid of blackheads introduced the infection. She said that I would need one deeper cleaning by her and that it would be gone; and that’s what happened. So she inspired me to do the same for people, to clear everyone’s skin. I wanted to do that for a living. It was amazing that within 2 days of her facial, my skin was healed after suffering for months.

What is some skincare/ wellness advice that you can give that may surprise people? ​

If you have dehydrated skin, don’t wash your face twice a day. ​Wash at night and apply your serum/moisturizer but in the morning, just rinse with water and use an appropriate toner and moisturize again. A cleanser can over-strip your skin’s natural moisture and nutrients. Oily or dry skin can be dehydrated. Dehydrated skin is different from dry skin. Dry skin is a type. Dehydration is a condition.”
Also, you should change your skincare products every 6 months. Your skin gets used to the same ingredients, so you need to jump start it with something new periodically. Ideally every two seasons. You should have fall/winter products and then change for spring/summer products.

What are some easy lifestyle changes that people can make to improve their skin and their well-being? ​

Drinking more water, of course.​ Use a silk pillowcase. If you suffer from ​breakouts, wipe down your phone with alcohol and change your pillowcase every other day, and try not to sleep on the sides of your face, sleep on your back. ​At the gym make sure your towel is clean when you wipe your face; try to keep some toner in a spray bottle to spray your face.​ Don’t pick you skin and try not to touch your face at all. Get monthly facials. It makes a very big difference. It’s all about maintenance. It’s easier to keep your skin looking young than trying to reverse damage or aging once it starts to show. Follow the advice of your skin care expert. Don’t be cheap with your products. Inexpensive products use inexpensive ingredients that are not as effective and can actually do more harm than good.

Tell us more about about Haven Spa and its unique assets. ​

Haven’s products and services change with the times and with new discoveries. But we test everything to make sure it is safe and effective before introducing it to clients. All of the skincare professionals are dedicated to their trade and to educating/ helping their clients. Most of the estheticians have been on staff for many many years. That is probably the most unique thing about Haven.

-by Johanna Silver

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