by | Sep 24, 2015 | Downtown Living

FlatRate has all the resources to make sure that your move is as seamless as possible! These include great tips that you can use on your next move:

Packing Electronics

If you have saved all the original packaging for your computers, tablets, flat screens and assorted electronics, congratulations. But if you are a normal person, you need to brush up on proper packing technique for your valuable property. Research the manufacturer’s recommendations for packing online. It probably involves plenty of bubble wrap or soft packaging to surround bulky, delicate items like monitors and TVs. If you want to supplement or replace the bubble wrap to save a bit of cash, consider using old towels and sheets. As an extra precaution, don’t mark any boxes filled with expensive items with the actual names of the contents, to deter thieves.

-by FlatRate Moving; providing moving and storage services to ensure that you have a perfect moving experience.

Downtown Magazine