Weekly Moving Tip From Flatrate #16

by | Sep 17, 2015 | Downtown Living

FlatRate has all the resources to make sure that your move is as seamless as possible! These include great tips that you can use on your next move:

Moving with Kids

The kids need to be placated. Children cannot be underfoot when moving years of accumulated possessions and valuables. Find a trusted relative to watch them and reward them handsomely with a bottle of wine or Scotch. They will deserve it. Before the actual moving day, though, you can get the kiddies excited by having them help with packing their toys and clothes. That gives them ownership stake in the process. You can even have them sketch out what they want their new bedroom to look like. The novelty and sense of control will be a good experience. And it might give you five minutes of peace and quiet so you can go through your filing cabinet of old tax records.

-by FlatRate Moving; providing moving and storage services to ensure that you have a perfect moving experience.

Downtown Magazine