Today’s Epicure Features a Suckling Pig Dinner

by | Apr 9, 2015 | Uncategorized


Photo: Courtesy of

Today’s Epicure, a leading member’s only dinning concierge service, is hosting its 4th Annual Suckling Pig Dinner on April 15.

After three successful events at Benoit, Il Buco Alimentari, and last year at DBGB, Narcissa’s Chef John Fraser (recipient of a Michelin star three years running at Dovetail) will offer us his take on “suckling pig.” Knowing the chef and his very selective choice of the best and healthiest ingredients around, we will be in for a surprise.

At this point the rest of the menu is still in the works, as are the wines that will be served to pair with the little piggy.

Today’s Epicure is offering two lucky foodies the opportunity to attend the event with my compliments by simply submitting their idea of what would be the best wines to serve with a Suckling Pig.

Email your response to :

Downtown Magazine