Three Ways to Iron Your Shirt Without Actually Ironing It

by | Feb 20, 2015 | Lifestyle, Uncategorized

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Photo: Courtesy of

You wake up in the morning, tired from working late the night before…and realize your shirts are all crumpled with wrinkles.

Nowadays, it can be difficult to find time to do even the most basic tasks, such as ironing your shirt. While it’s important to be responsible and get stuff done, many people would be more likely to think “I can’t wait to grab a beer and watch the latest season of House of Cards on Netflicks” than “I have to get home and iron my shirt” in those last few minutes at the office.

So what do you do when the call of alcohol and an Emmy-nominated-hit-TV-series was louder than the hiss of your poor iron?

Here are some quick ways to get those shirts smooth without interrupting your TV time.

1. Steam It With the Shower

An old and popular trick. But like many old tricks, there’s a reason why people still do it. All you have to do is put the shirt on a hanger (if you weren’t too lazy to get one) and hang it up on the rod while you take your morning shower. But make sure that the water is hot. Really hot. So if you take a lot of cold showers (no questions asked), you may have to change up your routine for a day. Also make sure that the shower-head is turned a little to the side so water doesn’t get on the shirt. The steam from the hot water should travel through the air, flow through the shirt (give it about 8-15 minutes), do it’s magic, and voila! Your shirt is as smooth as it possibly can be without you actually being responsible and ironing your shirt.

2. Put It In the Dryer

Yes, the whole point of reading this is that you didn’t have time to properly wash your shirt, use the machine, etc. etc. That is understood. But this method is quick. Put the shirt in the dryer with a moist sock or washcloth (if you were too lazy to wash your smelly socks too) and leave it in for 15 minutes. I don’t know exactly what the sock/washcloth does, but it works. Probably with the same water-scientific method as the steaming in the shower thing.

3. Hair Dryer

If you don’t have an iron, you may not have this. But I don’t know your life. If you do own this other heat-creating device, hang up the shirt and aim the hair dryer at it. Keep the hair dryer about two inches away from the shirt and make sure to cover the whole thing so there aren’t any random patches of wrinkles. If the hair dryer is technologically savvy enough to have a “cool” setting, use it afterwards to help the wrinkles stay out of the shirt for the whole day. If not, you may have to remain very still for the whole day…or stop being lazy and actually iron your stuff.

– by Connie Lee 

Tags: iron
Downtown Magazine