Mario Batali Launches Web Series

by | Nov 6, 2015 | Coming Up, Events

Today marks the premiere of Mario Batali’s brand new web series called “Taking Requests.” Presented by Eataly, Batali will be creating recipes based on fan-submitted requests.

A fan picks four ingredients which Batali will craft into an “Eatalian” dish dedicated to them. The series will be including ingredients ranging from the simple to the strange. The show is for everyone from the home cook to the professional. Each recipe can be found with the video and will be marked with the level of difficulty, though all recipes will be approachable enough for cooks of any level of expertise.

“Our goal is to show viewers an example of the countless ways they can bring different ingredients together to create something completely unique, to hopefully inspire them to get in the kitchen and let their creativity lead them to a special dish of their own,” said Batali in a press release.

The episodes will show Batali crafting an antipasto, primo, secondo, or dolce course. The first episode features an antipasto course with octopus, peperoncino, garlic, and hazelnuts.

The series will air twice a month on as well as on starting on Thursday, Nov. 5.

Fans submitted the ingredients for the first episode by tweeting @Eataly and @Mariobatali with their ideas; the next round will be opening up soon! You can watch the first episode here.

-by Kari Sonde



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