A Peace Treaty Honors Global Practices Through Their Elegant Accessories

by | Feb 10, 2016 | Fashion

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Photo: Courtesy of A Peace Treaty

Craftsmanship is transcendent, whether it is presented in the windows of an opulent department store or halfway across the world in Indian subcontinental regions. A Peace Treaty’s wares serve to marry these two worlds while highlighting artisanal textile designs. Self proclaimed “champions of slow fashion” the brand’s bright pieces represent centuries-old techniques from countries spanning from Peru to Bangladesh. Their accessories include angular statement jewelry as well as colorful scarves and caftans.

Included in a group of distinguished designers whose skills are fostered throughout the CFDA’s Fashion Incubator program, A Peace Treaty began in Rome, and fully took shape in New York City. The brand’s ethical ethos gives positive exposure to areas around the world through their ancient traditions and provides an outlet in which they can practice their crafts.”

“I volunteered as a young teenager for different global humanitarian efforts, and the connections I built and still maintain has enabled A Peace Treaty to source some of our production,” explains Dana Arbib, who takes on a creative director role within the company along with being its owner. “From a young age, the belief that ‘If you have the ability to do something, then do it’ was ingrained in me. There was never a question of whether or not doing good was something I should or should not do; it has always just been reflexive, a part of my life. I knew I wanted to do something that I loved while helping others. Fashion is what I love, the talents and handmade techniques indigenous to special parts of the world is what I was compelled to showcase and preserve.”

The brand’s production model serves to aid smaller, family-run enterprises that suffer in the wake of fashion’s mass-produced methods. The designs are representative of the regions that inspire them, but are also inclusive to the NYC market, where they are designed.

Though the brand will soon finish its tutelage under the CFDA, they have already achieved considerable momentum and attention. With a presence in over 80 retailers worldwide as well as a group of celebrity customers like Jemima Kirke and Mary Kate Olsen, it appears that a Peace Treaty has many more creative collaborations ahead of them.

“Being in the CFDA {Fashion Incubator} Class of 3.0 has been phenomenal. The support is priceless: not only do you get advice from successful people in the industry, but also you build relationships with so many people in different facets of your business. They literally cover and help you with each part of a fashion business, from shipping to customs, to merchandising to social media,” says Arbib, “I’m so thankful to be a part of this special program, and will miss it when we ‘graduate’ later this spring!”

-by Johanna Silver

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