Revitalize Your Mind, Body and Soul for Your Workday

by | Jul 23, 2015 | Downtown Living, Exercise, Health & Fitness, Nutrition


Photo: Courtesy of Mindfresh

Each morning we get up and begin our day with the same routine. We fill our minds with thoughts on the day that lie ahead, often causing stress. We then carry this stress into our workday, and it only builds from there. It’s a type of mindset that a cup of coffee won’t fix. A 30-minute session with the mindful experts from Mindfresh can bring people the “Best Morning Ever” through a combination of meditation, stretching and breathing.

Mindfresh brings a 30-minute experience that is a combination of modified yoga poses, deep breathing exercises and guided meditation to the corporate world. The goal is to de-stress and refresh the office.

Co-Founder, Chiyoko Osborne, believes that “stepping back from technology is so important to get grounded, centered and calm.”

After a quick session, you will work better and be happier.

Today’s Mindfresh session was held at Naturees, which offered 30 minutes of meditation training, healthy cold-pressed juice and a free metallic tattoo by Tribe Tats, with multiple styling stations to accessorize before your work day.

Instructor, Erin Jones, explains that the class makes yoga accessible for people that would not normally attend a yoga class. They make it accessible through simple stretches and breathing. Mindfresh offers a place where you can relax and get uplifted.

Their goal is to bring the benefits of yoga and mediation to a much broader community. The attendees’ attire ranged from workout clothes to jeans. The emphasis is more on your mind rather than your physical condition.


Photo: Courtesy of Mindfresh

They hold community events every other Wednesday at 8 a.m. at Naturees on 21 East 1st St. However, their typical business model involves going into offices, they work with a variety of 45 companies in Manhattan.

I know what your thinking — Mediation before work? Sounds like something that will put you right back to sleep! Well, the structure of the class includes poses that are grounding and uplifting. A combination of the two is how they help energize the class and bring you to a calm grounded place.

In some classes, they even use essential oils. The instructors are available to answer any questions about stress release and meditation. The atmosphere is all about creating a healthy mind, which in turn will become a healthy life.

Here is a quick yoga pose to help you get through your workday!

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Photo: Courtesy of Haylie Born

The forward fold: Stand with your feet a hips width apart, simply fold forward, drop your hands towards the ground while releasing your neck and hold opposite elbows with your hands. This releases all tension and tightness in the back and hamstrings so that is the physical improvement. Mentally take a deep breath and envision all the things you have been holding onto flowing out of your body onto the floor.

For more information on classes please visit their website at and follow them on instagram at @mindfreshco!

– by Haylie Born 

Downtown Magazine