How to Create a Fitness Page on Instagram

by | Nov 6, 2018 | Exercise, Health & Fitness, Lifestyle

Don’t know how to create a cool Instagram account to make it popular? Yes, due to the increased number of health- and fitness-related accounts on social media, it is not an easy thing to do. Of course, you can create a new account right now, but this doesn’t guarantee lots of subscribers immediately.

How to Create a Fitness Page on Instagram

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Let’s talk about you being a blogger and building your own account like a pro. In a few seconds, you’re going to know five secret tricks of growing your account on social networking service like Instagram. Look through other instagram fitness models to get your inspiration to become a fitness pro and create a modern Instagram feed.

How to Create a Professional Account

How to grow a fitness page if you have no idea how to do that at a professional level? First of all, the staple of the whole process of building a popular page is content and a camera. Well created content and high-quality pictures are going to attract new followers faster. Check whether your phone camera is enough to create that content.

It is not obligatory to buy a new professional camera if your smartphone’s camera is good. But remember, it is better to post a quality image than post just for posting. Since you know the content and you have a nice camera, start working on your page. Here are a few tips to remember.

How to Create a Fitness Page on Instagram

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  • Pick a recognizable and memorable name. You can use your real name or create something unique from the words related to healthy living.
  • Pick colors and filters you are going to use for each of your photographs. All pictures should be edited in the same style. Pick one filter or one color for all of them.
  • Post in a good time. It is very important to pick the right time to upload a photo. It is quite hard to find the right time with a brand-new page. But in a week or two, you will be able to define it by scrolling the statistics on your page. For this, change the settings for a business account. Then, look through the statistics to see when exactly your subscribers are active online. This is when you should upload a new picture. Upload regularly.
  • Learn how to pose in photos. Have you ever noticed how professional models pose in their photographs? They pose to enhance the abs, hips, legs, and arms. So, before posting a picture, learn how to pose. Add video workouts and share healthy recipes on your page as well. Don’t post just a photograph. Add a description. Write a few words at least.
  • And of course, don’t forget to make your page a public account instead of a private one. Check it in the settings.

That’s all for the basics of running a fitness page like a pro. Do you know some other tips?

Downtown Magazine