Healthy Smoothies To Make at Home

by | Nov 9, 2015 | Dining

Living the life of a busy downtown Manhattan resident might not always allow you to spend time cooking healthy meals at home. However, with just a blender and a few ingredients, you can make quick smoothies that are packed with health benefits. After putting them in a thermos, you can enjoy a delicious drink on your way from home to work! Adjust the amount of each ingredient to whatever your tastebuds are craving.

Pomegranate berry smoothie

Pomegranate juice




Pomegranates are jam-packed with antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. The yogurt adds an extra kick of calcium while the berries give you iron! These all combine into one super-sweet, healthy smoothie.

Tofu and fruit smoothie

Silken tofu


White grape juice



Feeling skeptical? Don’t be! Tofu isn’t just for putting over rice or substituting meat. It’s a great source of protein and contains very little calories. With the sweetness of the fruit and honey, you’ll reap all the benefits of tofu without grimacing at the idea of using it in a drink.


Pink smoothie

Pink grapefruit


White grape juice


This rose-colored drink is low in calories and delicious. Grapefruits are also chock-full of nutrients that help your skin stay clear and smooth so you don’t have to worry about stress lines!

-by Connie Lee

Downtown Magazine