
The Ethical Engagement Ring Buying Journey – Diamonds are Forever

  They say that purchasing a diamond ring is one of the top ten most important purchases in a lifetime. According to Warren Buffet, choosing the person you give that ring to is the biggest decision you'll ever make. Will You Marry Me? “I take thee to be my wedded...

Divine Design

BEFORE SOHO BECAME ONE OF THE PRICIEST - retail and residential neighborhoods in New York, the large, cast-iron buildings housed factories on the top floors that were used for light manufacturing of household items, lighting, textiles, and fashion accessories. Those...

Sky Origami Sky-High Oasis Sky High Retreat

DOWNTOWN MANHATTAN   is a testament to human connection, and 77 Greenwich, one of the newest luxury residential towers rising into the NYC skyline, offers the ultimate perch from which to behold the bustling streets and beautiful vistas that surround it. Standing...
Divine Design

Divine Design

BEFORE SOHO BECAME ONE OF THE PRICIEST - retail and residential neighborhoods in New York, the large, cast-iron...

Playdates in the City

Playdates in the City

  Summer in New York City can be an incredible time of year for kids to have a chance to explore the city. With...

Downtown Magazine