by Mike Hammer | Nov 6, 2014 | Health, Nutrition
Ever wonder how much sugar a typical Grande White Chocolate Mocha from Starbucks has? Or even a seemingly healthy Manga-A-Go-Go smoothie from Jamba Juice? These amounts are often larger than expected. New World Health Organization guidelines suggest keeping your...
by Mike Hammer | Sep 26, 2014 | Dining
Birthday Party Marshmallows Have you ever considered the many possibilities marshmallows have to offer? No? That’s ok, because Katherine Sprung did, and reinvented them! We are talking about Squish, the marshmallow that has many different tastes ranging from peanut...
by Mike Hammer | Sep 3, 2014 | Health, Nutrition
Healthy Snack: Almond Butter and Goji Bites Once upon a time, grocery shopping used to be easy. There used to be one brand of ketchup, one brand of sugar, and one brand of bread. Life was easy. Nowadays, we are inundated with choices and hundreds of different brands...