Pisterzi: Cutting Through the Chaff

Pisterzi: Cutting Through the Chaff

Pisterzi Italian Grooming Art changes the way New York men look at grooming with a unique approach to the barbershop experience.    An unlikely shelter hides in the heart of downtown. Freezing winds, erratic snows, and city stress fall away in Pisterzi Italian...
Hair with ’70s Flair

Hair with ’70s Flair

Fall hair trends are a playful nod to ’70s style. THE ‘70S ARE BACK. We might be over glam rock and disco right now, but the styles they inspired are back in orbit. Maybe it’s the feeling of revolution in the air. Maybe it’s the time we spent in lockdown...
An ASL Performance for Regina Comet

An ASL Performance for Regina Comet

“A Commerical Jingle for Reginia Comet” is *running* an ASL-interpreted performance of their show on November 20th at 3pm. The performance is part of a partnership with Broadway SIGNs! and show producer Jo-Ann Dean. Regina Comet is the story of two nobodies dreaming...
You Should Be Watching: CODA

You Should Be Watching: CODA

Communication between teens and parents is notoriously tough. It has been fodder for hundreds of coming-of-age stories. CODA (2021), whose title is an acronym for “Child of Deaf Adult,” tells the story of a teenager whose parents and older brother are all deaf and her...
Downtown Magazine