Freshpet Celebrates Take Your Pet To Work Day

Freshpet Celebrates Take Your Pet To Work Day

It’s a dream come true – the Soho Grand Hotel is celebrating “take your pet to work day” by providing a luncheon and a playdate for you and your — or the animal shelter’s — dogs on Wednesday, June 21 from 11 am to 2 pm located...
Weekly Tip From Le Pet Spa

Weekly Tip From Le Pet Spa

If you’ve ever had a pet with an ear infection, you know how uncomfortable it can be for them. Nasty ear infections are quite common in those of the canine and feline persuasion, particularly canine. While generally caused by bacteria or yeast, your pet can also...
Perfect Pet Guide for NYC

Perfect Pet Guide for NYC

When it comes to long work hours and high rise city living, many feel that a four-legged friend may complicate things a little too much. However, if you’re in need of some company, DOWNTOWN has the perfect solution, with our perfect NYC pet guide! Having a pet...
Downtown Magazine