Making Waves

Making Waves

Blonde Records’ Founder Rebecca Autumn Sansom (first left) Seeks Inclusivity with Wavy Awards. OCTOBER 23RD, 2021 MARKED THE FIRST EVER WAVY AWARDS SHOW, the name making  a play on digital audio WAV files. The show is  a celebration of “historically excluded talent,” ...
Downtown Q&A: Erika Wassner

Downtown Q&A: Erika Wassner

ERIKA WASSNER Founder of Glam+Go, a female-owned and operated salon chain that specializes in speedy blowouts and hair services for busy women. 1. Name three women that inspire you, and tell us why. Joan Rivers: I can’t say enough about this woman. She was so brazen,...
Downtown Q&A: Ashley Tyrner

Downtown Q&A: Ashley Tyrner

ASHLEY TYRNER is the founder of Farmbox Direct, which aims to provide healthy foods in urban areas. She is committed to providing all people access to organize food and disrupting the food policy space. 1. Name three women that inspire you, and tell us why.I am...
Downtown Magazine