Chinon Maria at the World Trade Center

Chinon Maria at the World Trade Center

Artist Chinon Maria at the World Trade Center’s New Gallery “CREATING PUBLIC ART in the World Trade Center has been one of the most humbling and emotional experiences of my life,” says Colombian-born street artist Chinon Maria at the World Trade...
Making Waves

Making Waves

Blonde Records’ Founder Rebecca Autumn Sansom (first left) Seeks Inclusivity with Wavy Awards. OCTOBER 23RD, 2021 MARKED THE FIRST EVER WAVY AWARDS SHOW, the name making  a play on digital audio WAV files. The show is  a celebration of “historically excluded talent,” ...
Glow Up

Glow Up

SHINE ON The PAC’s translucent marble walls will light up from the inside at night. Photography by Luxigon. The Perelman Performing Arts Center will bring beauty and closure to downtown. IN THE WAKE OF THE SEPTEMBER 11TH ATTACKS on the World Trade Center...
Hair with ’70s Flair

Hair with ’70s Flair

Fall hair trends are a playful nod to ’70s style. THE ‘70S ARE BACK. We might be over glam rock and disco right now, but the styles they inspired are back in orbit. Maybe it’s the feeling of revolution in the air. Maybe it’s the time we spent in lockdown...
Downtown Magazine