Chinon Maria at the World Trade Center

Chinon Maria at the World Trade Center

Artist Chinon Maria at the World Trade Center’s New Gallery “CREATING PUBLIC ART in the World Trade Center has been one of the most humbling and emotional experiences of my life,” says Colombian-born street artist Chinon Maria at the World Trade...
City of Change

City of Change

The production team behind 16 Acres, Mike Marcucci (left) and Matt Kapp, are working on a sequel documentary. Photo by Joe Woolhead. The sequel to the Downtown documentary—16 Acres—will show the dramatic changes in Lower Manhattan THOUGH THE TWIN TOWERS COLLAPSED IN...
Signs of the Times

Signs of the Times

DEAF AND HARD-OF-HEARING AUDIENCE MEMBERS recently gathered at Off-Broadway’s Triad Theatre for Broadway SIGNs! theatrical showcase R-E-S-P-E-C-T!, featuring song, dance, storytelling, and more. In the front row, American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters voiced for...
Downtown Magazine