3 Ways to Consume Cannabis

3 Ways to Consume Cannabis

Over the last few years, we’ve been able to harness the power of the cannabis plant into many different types of products. Most people are familiar with smoking cannabis to feel the effects of the plant, but in the past decade, it’s become quite popular to consume it...

Big Sporting Events Worth Traveling For

Speaking of traveling became a taboo of sorts during 2020 given the global pandemic the world sadly fell into. Still, the idea of traveling, especially for sports fans could be considered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity has always lingered in the minds of people....

Molly’s Game The Best Poker Movie?

Despite being one of the most famous card games on the planet, the list of feature films about poker is relatively short. Filmmakers have generally steered away from the action at the felt, maybe in the belief that it doesn’t translate well to the screen. Molly’s Game...

Classic Movies That Are Worth Watching Again

Several of the most anticipated movies have seen their release dates pushed back for various logistical reasons, leaving moviegoers with fewer options for new screenings. Thankfully, there has never been a better time to be a film buff with so many titles and ways to...
Downtown Magazine