Rocking the Boat during the COVID Pandemic

Rocking the Boat during the COVID Pandemic

  Rocking the Boat We believe in giving back to our community and city. When you are a publication it becomes difficult to dig into your pockets for every great charity program. Rather, our part is to inform our readers of the causes that we have worked with and...

Smoothies For Runners

If following this year’s TCS New York City Marathon has inspired you to sign up for a marathon, a race or simply take up running on your own time, you are definitely not the only one.Even though the temperatures are slowly dropping, you can still run...
Fitness Friday: 5 Running Events This Fall

Fitness Friday: 5 Running Events This Fall

Running is one of the best workouts your body can get, and there are so many races and marathons that you are given the opportunity to compete in, whether it’s for fun or for competition. For most races and competitions, training is necessary, and that is...
Fitness Friday: Top Women’s Running Shoes

Fitness Friday: Top Women’s Running Shoes

There’s no doubt that Downtown Magazine loves staying active; however, a big part of maintaining active is feeling comfortable in your own shoes. Finding the right shoes can take a long time, but there is that perfect pair for each person. Whether you are...
Downtown Magazine