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Take a break from your indoor workout and catch up with some of the leading fitness studios in NYC. Lole Women active wear has teamed up with FITiST to bring you a free, (yes free), Summer Of Fitness Meet-Up to get you moving this summer.
Don’t pass up the opportunity to workout on Pier 25 in TriBeCa, with the beautiful Hudson river as your backdrop.
In the past few weeks, workouts have been lead by instructors from uber popular NYC studios such as 305 Fitness, The Fhiiting Room, and Barry’s Boot Camp.
When: Tuesdays 6:30 P.M. – 7:30 P.M. until August 19th.
Where: Pier 25. TriBeCa.
For scheduling and to RSVP, go to facebook.com/lolenewyork or e-mail: [email protected]
-Laura Miranda MSPT, CSCS, DOWNTOWN’s Fitness Editorial Director