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-Victori Victor “New Yorker” Oil on canvas, 1995
Representatives from DOWNTOWN recently visited the gallery debuting Victori Contemporary’s “From the Land of Everywhere.” The collection is centered around the individual perspectives and experiences of their diverse set of artists, bound into a story of experiment, trial and error. The works give off a multi-dimensional feel through the many senses engaged by their handful of multimedia pieces. “From the Land of Everywhere” takes the highlights of each individual voice in their band of artists and sheds light on the heart of their stories.
Victori is most notable for his unique style of painting called Multiplism. He understood that an individual portrait conceals multiple moods and states of mind behind a singular set expression. While most people try to hide behind a facade of layers of emotions and thoughts, Victori pulls out these multiple complexities and transforms them into an exquisite art form.
The collection featured a wide variety of new art pieces featuring photographs, videos, three-dimensional pieces, portraits and more. The pieces were heavily ironic and rather creative, for example the ever popular Hipster in Stone XVII by Léo Caillard, which features a photograph of a statue of the famous demigod Hercules wearing hipster clothing. On the site for Victori Contemporary, Léo Caillard raises the question, “What if reality was not as we see it…”. This line of questioning directly influences his artwork.
We were able to talk to a few of the artists and get their take on the creation process and more. For some, the concepts were heavily concentrated, while for others their masterpieces were brought about unconsciously. Due to high popular demand, this show is being extended until September 13. The gallery was a spectacular display of new contemporary work, especially in its unique Multiplist works, tying the collection together at the end.
The show has been extended so if you haven’t already, go check out “From the Land of Everywhere,” a sure to be classic from Victori Contemporary. The gallery is located at 514 West 24th sSt., 3W, New York, NY 10011.
-By Alessandra Veliz and Danielle Louie
-Léo Caillard, Hipster in Stone XVII