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Generating Funds Fast when Bad Credit is Holding You Back
Are you suffering from a bad credit problem? Don't know how to generate fast cash. If that's what you are going through, then it's time to know about all those options that you can avail even with your bad credit situation. You will waste your time when you...
Should You Switch to Pay Per Mile or Usage Based Car Insurance?
Car insurance - is something that you are going to need to make the most of while you have the opportunity to make some savings. It is a legal requirement for drivers, and this is why you need to ensure you get the right car insurance sorted out as well as you...
Benefits of CBD
There are many people these days who turn to CBD (Cannabidiol ) products for a wide range of reasons. Research has shown that CBD offers a host of benefits, which means that huge numbers of people can use it for a wide variety of reasons. There has been a lot...
Manhattan By Sail is BACK
We downtowners are thrilled to see all of our favorite yachting vessels back on the water, after a more than 3-month quarantine. Manhattan by Sail is ready for you to board! COVID has effected all businesses, but now its time to get out and support your favorite and...
NewYork-Presbyterian Alexandra Cohen Hospital for Women and Newborns
Starting August 2nd, our labor and delivery unit will have a new home — Just across the street—at the NewYork-Presbyterian Alexandra Cohen Hospital for Women and Newborns, located in the NewYork-Presbyterian David H. Koch Center at 1283 York Avenue. The...
Borrowers Discover that Loans Are Available After Bankruptcy
What is Bankruptcy? Bankruptcy is a legal judgment whereby individuals and businesses are deemed unable to make good on their payments. As a result, the courts will assess their assets & liabilities, and make a judgment about discharging those debts,...
Rebuilding Your Business After COVID-19 is Possible
SME's around the world have suffered tremendous damage in the wake of the novel coronavirus. The pandemic shuttered operations from China to New York, South Africa to Greenland, and everywhere in between. With countries slowly trying to come to grips with the...
We Don’t Get a Second Chance to Make a Good First Impression
In a world fixated by aesthetics, it’s always important to put your best foot forward. While we’d all very much like to be judged on the content of our characters, we really don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression. Creams, lotions, makeup,...
Top Tips for Finding the Right Auto Lender
Whether you're buying a new car or a used car, you will need to choose the right auto lender for your automobile loan. While these lenders offer competitive financing options, there are so many auto loans available that it's worth comparing the different...