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In a perfect world, everybody would have a tasty cupcake! But if it was truly perfect, everybody would be able to have them whenever they wanted.

So here’s some good news! That perfect world isn’t far away…right here in New York City. In a dream-come-true, the L.A.-based  company Sprinkles has just installed its first appropriately, pink-colored Cupcake ATM on the Upper East Side.

You may miss your favorite baker in this process, but those guys need to get their sleep sometimes and can’t be available round-the-clock. So we’re happy to have the cupcake ATM available whenever we need it.

The machine is located on Lexington Avenue between 60th and 61st streets (just three-blocks from Central Park where you can run off the calories) and offers a wide selection of  760 cupcakes. So don’t get nervous about finding your favorite favorite flavor, because they also will be restocking several times a day. Sprinkles new machine isn’t just a sweet idea, it’s also a green one. The cupcakes are dispensed in boxes made from fully-recycled materials.

What will the future bring to the first NYC cupcake ATM? Will it become everybody’s favorite daily street-corner destination? Will locals and tourists turn it into the hottest spot to take selfies? We’ll see. But if you think this ATM brings us closer to paradise, wait: brownies and cookies are coming to make it an even better trip.

Anyway, all we can say for now is, some sweet dreams do come true. 

– Xavi Ocaña

Downtown Magazine