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Photo: Courtesy of: Fromtheathleteskitchen.com

Being fit is a matter of maintaining a healthy diet just as much as staying active. And while there are plenty of healthy recipes floating in cyberspace, many skimp on flavor in favor of health. But Allison (Alli) Stockamore’s website From the Athlete’s Kitchen celebrates food from the perspective of a foodie as well as someone with an active lifestyle. This running, cyclist and, rock climber living in New York City publishes recipes ranging from bright antioxidant-rich smoothies, to muffins, to delicious pasta (yes, pasta)! Furthermore, her food photography is exquisite and would definitely make any reader want to try out her recipes… and maybe even get active afterwards!

One of her posts, Taste of Puerto Rico documents her time in Puerto Rico where she sampled delicious native food, cycled through the city, and explored its beautiful attractions. Another notable is her mouthwatering recipe for End of Winter Pasta with Fennel & Lemon. For more posts on fitness and food, visit From the Athlete’s Kitchen. Also, look out for more featured posts on dtm.wix2wp.site.

-by Johanna Silver

*For photo information contact Allison Hudson Stockamore at [email protected]

Downtown Magazine