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Poor internet connection, drained phone battery…we all complain about those pesky ‘first-world problems’ every once in a while. Here at DOWNTOWN Magazine, we’re putting television commercials on the top of our complaint list. Okay sure, they are sort of necessary. They do pay for the shows we love and all that jazz. But come on, would it hurt to add an extra dollop of creativity? A slight pinch of humor? A sprinkle of sarcasm? For the most part, we resent every last boredom inducing, frustration fueling moment, hoping for time travel to suddenly become possible. Yes, your magic duster that transforms into a scarf probably was a good idea when you had that dream one night, but our favorite show is on, and you’re wasting our time.


The Superbowl. The Superbowl got us unrestrainedly, beguilingly hooked on the one thing we had been learning to hate our entire lives. And now this year’s World Cup is doing the same. It’s official, commercials got good. Here are DOWNTOWN’s top five commercials that will no doubt incite a little hope into your ad-ridden tele-viewing…

1. Cindy Crawford for Pepsi

Fizzy drinks have never had so much… fizz. It’s unlikely that the bombshell of all bombshells Cindy Crawford had a single ounce of sugar for weeks prior to that one sexy glug, but we couldn’t care less. We want Pepsi now. And that body.

2.  Old Spice

You’ve probably seen this one– but we see no harm in seeing it a 76th time. In fact, we reckon it gets funnier the more times you do. Old Spice guy ain’t too bad on the eyes either. I’m on a horse.

3. Volkswagen We all love Star Wars. We all love kids. And now, we all love Volkswagen. We reckon the major budget helped out a tad, but playing dress-up never looked like that when we were young…


4. Taco Bell “Viva Young”

The rebellious granny skit has long been making us giggle– but this time, she’s brought along her posse. We can’t help but wish we had as much street-cred!

5. Doritos Time Machine

And finally, the funniest one of the lot by the wonderful people at Doritos. The joys of an old card-board box and an unrealistically gullible neighbor.

And since USA vs. Germany World Cup soccer game is coming up, perhaps you’ll be able to add to the list!

-Rachael Sprague

Downtown Magazine