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L.A. Burdick Signature Assortment

Recently, the team of DOWNTOWN Magazine had the opportunity to try a few samples of chocolate from L.A. Burdick Handmade Chocolates, and we’re confident in saying L.A. Burdick is one of the best chocolate companies in America.

The great tasting chocolate that lingers in your mouth first began in 1970 when Larry Burdick traveled to Paris because of his passion for “everything French.”  Eventually he traveled to Switzerland where he visited the city of Bern during the 1980’s, and it there Larry was able to discover the importance of pure chocolate aroma in a confiserie, or confectioners shop, which had driven him to start his own company that goes by the now well-known name of L.A. Burdick Chocolate.

In 1987, Larry returned to New York City with a few tools and a plan to create true, well–crafted chocolate. Years later, Larry moved his company and family to New Hampshire and quickly gained a following with his fabulously made bonbons. Since then, L.A. Burdick has expanded to other states such as New York and Massachusetts, and their chocolate collection has expanded as well; from chocolate truffles to their famous chocolate mice.

So before you go home tonight, make sure to buy a box of L.A. Burdick Homemade Chocolate and enjoy it. Visit their store in New York on 5 East 20th street, Manhattan, New York, or go to the L.A. Burdick Handmade Chocolate website to order online.

– Gaelle Gilles

L.A. Burdick Smores

L.A. Burdick Smores BaSket

Downtown Magazine