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With the end of Pride month comes some necessary reflection on how far we have come as a society in accepting the LGBTQ community. Although we have made strides in terms of acceptance and support, there is still some ways to go. Discrimination and hatred is still a very prevalent part of the lives of many LGBTQ peoples’ lives. Despite this, one very brave student at Léman Manhattan gave an emotional and inspiring speech at her graduation ceremony about coming out as a bisexual teen.

Esmé Ng addressed her class at her recent graduation ceremony with empowering and brave words. She shared her journey with the audience, from the days of her bisexuality being kept a secret, to her present days of being empowered, brave, and free, surrounded by her supportive classmates and the faculty at Léman.

In discussing the aftermath of the shooting at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Ng remembers the responses of homophobic people on social media: “The messages of these people were clear. If I were to disappear at any moment, there would be one less physical infringement on their way of life on this planet, and what they consider to be the way of things would remain intact. The world would not fall into chaos, they would not be threatened, and they would be safe.”

It is truly eye opening to know that at one point, Esmé felt as if the world would celebrate her disappearance because of her bisexuality. Now, Esmé stood in front of her classmates, Léman faculty, and many families, proudly proclaiming her bisexuality. She surpassed the hatred and came out stronger; she was now able to share her strength with the world and spread light to others who may be struggling.

Esmé’s story is just one of many that we should appreciate. As Pride month has just come to an end, now is the perfect time to reflect upon the ways we can reach out and help the LGBTQ community. Programs such as The Trevor Project and New Alternatives are amazing programs to look into either donating to, volunteering with, or even just sharing on your social media.

We can all help out our LGBTQ friends in some form. Thanks to some courageous and inspiring people such as Esmé, the LGBTQ community has a voice that has gotten them, and will get them, so very far.


Watch Esmé’s full speech below (skip to 52:14):




Downtown Magazine