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Photo: Courtesy of Christina Cathalina

Yesterday, Leman Manhattan Preparatory School celebrated its 10th anniversary with both style and sentimentality. To kick off their first day of the new school year, a “Happy Birthday” opening ceremony was held to welcome their incoming kindergarteners and honor their 12th grade students that will be graduating.

The celebration commenced with a procession of the 12th graders and kindergarteners, holding hands as they entered the Broad Street Ballroom. The junior class followed waving 55 different flags, representing Leman students’ various countries of origin. Being one of only four independent schools in Manhattan to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program, Leman offers a globally diverse learning environment, which was evident with the flag ceremony and the support students gave for each country represented.


Photo: Courtesy of Christina Cathalina

Next, Head of School Drew Alexander presented the rest of the ceremony, which included several musical performances from students and memories shared by founding staff members. One student who has attended Léman for all 10 years, along with his mother and father, sang happy birthday and lit candles on a giant birthday cake that was wheeled on stage. The celebration wrapped up with the senior class receiving their prospective graduation blazers and 1,000 balloons in the school’s colors being dropped from the ceiling. The entire event was a cumulative celebration of Leman’s past and future. And, though we cannot confirm exactly what happened to the giant birthday cake, all the students received a cookie with the roman numeral for 10 as a sweet conclusion.

-by Johanna Silver  

Downtown Magazine