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Photo: Courtesy of Youtube.com

Spring has sprung you say? We’re thinking it’s because Earth Day is coming up, and Mother Nature wants to look her absolute best. The official Earth Day is April 22nd and this year it falls on a Friday – kick your weekend off right by hitting up the different events and vendors ready to teach you more about inspiring initiatives and hard working organizations trying to take care of our globe.

The Earth Day Initiative has been organizing the events for Earth Day since 1990 when the organization was founded, but Earth Day itself was already born in 1970 by activists – along with the public and politicians – coming together to form one of the biggest demonstrations. Since then Earth Day has only grown and each year more organizations are taking part which leads to more events.

Union Square’s Earth Day Fair:

Union Square 2015

Photo: Courtesy of Earthdayinitiative.org

This past Sunday April 17th at Union Square the Earth Day Initiative started Earth Day off a little early. There were loads of stands which offered up exciting tastes of sustainable snacks and gave participants a chance to learn more about environmentally sound products from companies and organizations such as Zipcar and Health Ade. Lots of people grabbed snacks, pamphlets, and enjoyed the warm weather and the bands playing sweet green music in their ears.

If you missed this, not to worry! There are still events going on to celebrate Earth Day on its official day this Friday. We found two particular interesting ones in the downtown area:

Earth Day 5K Walk

Earth Day 5K Walk 2015

Photo: Courtesy of Earthdayinitiative.org

While not only downtown bound, the Earth Day 5K Walk route will take you by several “green” destinations including the underground park the Lowline and 1 Hotel Central Park while Natural Gourmet Institute will refuel you with a sustainable lunch. It even includes eye candy for desert in the form of a sneak peak of the documentary “Love Thy Nature.


Free Screening: “Stung by Climate” & “The Disappearing Frontier”

Stung By Climate

Photo: Courtesy of Facebook.com

To celebrate Earth Day 2016, NYU Tzu Chi Collegiate Association is inviting you to lean back and learn more about the climate changes and its effects on people across America by watching two documentaries. “Stung by Climate”  shows how climate change is affecting bees and beekeepers across the country. “The Disappearing Frontier” takes us to Alaska where people co-exist with climate change on a daily basis.” After the screening the director of Stung by Climate” Nils Aucante stops by for a Q&A!

Be sure to check out Earth Day Initiative’s website and remember: Earth Day doesn’t have to be just one day. Get ready to go green, learn more about organic vs. non-organic, and treat the environment just a little bit better. We’re betting that after Earth Day’s events you can’t help but feel inspired, so hashtag the globe emoji and get out there!

-by Eva Troester 

Downtown Magazine