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Quick fixes will have you looking your best for the summer when you have no time for downtime. Keep in mind that treatments are individualized, so a fix that’s great in one instance may not be appropriate for someone with a similar—though not identical—problem. All treatments should be performed by a well-trained, experienced, board-certified physician—plastic surgeon, dermatologist, facial plastic surgeon or occuloplastic surgeon—with a refined aesthetic eye and an evolved skill set to produce a natural appearance artistically.
QUICK FIX: HYALURONIC ACID. With a social engagement just around the corner and no time for bruising to heal, the quick fix is a Hyaluronic Acid filler such as Juvederm or Perlane. Alternatives such as Radiesse, calcium- based filler which is more likely to cause bruising, or Sculptra, an injectable that requires two to three treatments, would not be appropriate “quick fixes.”
QUICKEST FIX: DYSPORT. Sagging brows can make you look sad or angry and hide the beauty of the upper eyelid. Botox, Dysport and Xeomin are all forms of botulinum toxin and are referred to as neuromodulators. Injected in a similar manner as you would to soften the frown lines and crows’ feet, you can elevate and reshape the brows, eliminating the sad or tired appearance. While not yet household names, Dysport and Xeomin are FDA approved, and they have the same core structure as Botox. Dysport has the most rapid onset of action, often within 48 hours.
THE FIX: RESTYLANE OR PERLANE. A hallmark of youth is a blending of the lower lid and cheek. As we age, the cheek descends, and the lid-cheek junction becomes distinct, often with a depression or deep semicircle—a “tear trough.” Filling the tear trough with either Restylane or Perlane minimizes the prominence of the lid-cheek junction and gives the illusion that the cheek has been elevated, which effects shadows and makes dark circles appear less prominent. There may be noticeable bruising after the treatment that may be difficult to camouflage and can last up to a week—so the fix is not so quick.
QUICK FIX: MIRVASO. Rosacea is a skin disease that causes redness of the cheeks, chin and forehead. In warm weather, the tiny blood vessels that make the skin red dilate, making the redness more prominent. Spicy foods and alcohol are also triggers that make there redness worse. While there are laser treatments that can help diminish the redness, there has never been a truly effective treatment until now-Mirvaso (brimonidine) topical gel. The gel is applied once a day to the affected areas and begins to take its effect minimizing redness in as little as 30 minutes. It has a maximum effect of six to twelve hours.