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Photo: Courtesy of highroadtouring.com

Photo: Courtesy of highroadtouring.com

Ambrosia Parsley first achieved success as the front woman of Shivaree, who made four albums (three of which released in North America) and two EPs, as released by Capitol and Rounder/Zoe. Their music ultimately appeared in big movies like “Kill Bill” and “Silver Linings Playbook.” Ambrosia further developed a following with her “Sings The News” segment on Air America in 2004.

Shivaree disbanded in 2007, and since then, Ambrosia has moved forward with a proper solo career. Her debut solo release, “Weeping Cherry,” has been years in the making and will be celebrated with an album release party at Rockwood Music Hall’s Stage 2 on May 14th.The Elegant Too will be joining her at Rockwood.

Photo: Courtesy of highroadtouring.com

Photo: Courtesy of highroadtouring.com

I first learned about you when Shivaree was doing the major label circuit.  As a whole, do you look back on that time fondly?

Ambrosia Parsley: Sure. Some of it. We spent a lot of time in southern Europe — the “Food Countries,” as we called them — where people were very warm and supportive. That part was great. Arguing with some overpaid jerk in a Prince Valiant cut about my album art was definitely the dark side.

For someone that knows you primarily from your work with Shivaree, how would you compare your solo recordings?

A: I still sound A LOT like myself. It’s annoying. A lot of the same people are still involved, and we all have our fingerprints, but there was no in-fighting like in a band. It was all on me, for better and worse.

Considering the work you did with Air America in 2004, was there ever any intention of doing more topical or timely material in your solo career?

A: Singing “the News” for Air America was a great AND I got to occasionally sit next to Chuck D. Funny you should ask, as Lizz Winstead [creator of “The Daily Show” and host of “Air America Unfiltered”] just asked me to start writing and singing the worst laws concerning our reproductive freedoms, from every state. Sounds like fun, huh? And there’s a track on the record, “Make Me Laugh,” that’s definitely coming from a topical, “Air America” place, but with a little wistful twist where the daggers used to be.

Aside from promoting “Weeping Cherry” in the coming months, what lies ahead for Ambrosia Parsley? 

A: Laundry.  My nine year-old wants a buzz cut, so that’s on tap for the weekend. Slaw season is nigh…

For those looking attend your  May 14th show at Rockwood Music Hall, what’s to be expected?

A: I will sing, tell jokes, talk nasty, look sharp, hopefully smell nice. I’ll have a crack band.

Finally, Ambrosia, any last words for the kids?

A: Yeah, go to your room.

Downtown Magazine