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New Year’s has passed, and we are now full-swing into 2019. Maybe you made some resolutions, maybe you didn’t, or maybe you’re already off track. Regardless of your status, here are some tips for even the most noncommittal among us to become healthy this new year.

Drink your greens
Starting the morning off with a green juice gets your body powered up for the day and packs in those fruit and vegetable servings before you get going. Juicing your produce makes it easier to digest those sometimes hard to handle veggies but keeps the vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients intact. Phytonutrients are chemicals found in fruits and vegetables and are especially important because they help prevent disease and keep your body functioning properly. The body easily digests the juice and absorbs a larger amount of nutrients, making juices a great way to strengthen the immune system, detox the body, and help fight chronic disease and inflammation. Investing in a juicer is an effective cost strategy and a great way to start experimenting with different juices. Add lemon and ginger to your favorite greens for some kick or use green apple or pineapple for some sweetness!
Forget the diets
If 2018 was the year of the high fiber and ketogenic diets, then 2019 should be the year of no diets. Diets do not work. (Yup, you read that right.) Making a shift toward mindful and intuitive eating is the best way to create healthy and lasting eating habits. Mindfulness, which is a form of meditation, helps combat anxiety and stress. Merging this philosophy with food allows for understanding and control over eating habits while reducing emotional eating patterns. So, if your goal is weight loss, cut down portion sizes instead of cutting out food groups, eat slowly, and pay attention to when you are satisfied – not stuffed. Sounds easy, right? While the concept is simple, new habits take time to form. Make sure your meals are balanced with lean proteins, non-starchy carbs, and good fats along with a ton of veggies. Eat slowly with no distractions, especially television. The most important thing to learn is to distinguish between hunger and the urge to use food to regulate feelings.

Be aware of the food combinations you make
Food combining is an ancient tradition with roots in Ayurvedic practices. The general idea is that eating certain foods or food groups together can wreak havoc on your digestive system since foods have different pH levels, and therefore require specific digestive enzymes that work at certain pH levels. For example, in this theory proteins and starches should not be eaten together. Protein digestion requires pepsin, a digestive enzyme that functions in an acidic environment, while carbohydrates require amylase, which needs an alkaline environment to do its job. General rules include not mixing starches with protein or acidic foods (including meat, eggs, dairy, grains, fish, and poultry), eating both fruit and dairy products alone on an empty stomach, and not combining different types of proteins together. Having a healthy gut is key and if the pH balance of the stomach is off, you may notice symptoms like fatigue, skin problems, bloating and indigestion. If you experience any of these issues, it might be worth looking into food combining.
Make an effort to move
For some people, having a strict workout regime is key. For others, setting a goal of working out every day at a specific time can backfire and promote a negative cycle to thinking. Let’s say you decide you’re going to make that 6:30AM workout every morning during the week, but life happens, and sometimes that workout doesn’t. Thinking you have “failed” your goal for the day can set you back. Instead, make a promise to yourself to move almost every day – whether it’s 20 minutes or 2 hours – without the pressure of making a specific workout at a specific time. That way, you will find time to fit it in where it works rather than shaping your day around your workout.

Carve out time for yourself
There is nothing more important than giving yourself a little love. When you put this last, you not only do a disservice to yourself, but to everyone else around you, even your loved ones. No matter who you are and what you do, having time to yourself each day will allow you to be a better, stronger version of yourself. Whether this means taking the hour at lunch to exercise, skipping the morning workout to get your 8 hours of sleep, or meditating every day, “me time” is a necessity. Taking up a new hobby or returning to an old one is another great way to get some “me time” in.
Let us know how your resolutions are going and if you’ll be following of any of these tips!